Here is the letter from Matt Clark himself:
The following are pictures are of the Andersonville Prision project that I made for my final semester grade, in my history class, at East Detroit High School. It took me roughly 28 hours to make this; and a day look for the suplies. May I add that it wasn't untill I found your store that not only did I find everything I needed I also was told where else to find suplies to "complete" my project. I truly and honestly believe your shop is one of, if not the best that I have ever had the pleasure of making a purchase in. Your staff was extreamly helpfull and also was intrested in what I knew about the project I was making. This alone will garuentee me to be a long term customer. Also the store layout and the model at the center of the store (kudos to making the paper) was pretty awsome too. Thank you for your time, ideas, and help.
You are very welcome!

Here's Matt with his Andersonvill Prison project.
A view from on top of the wall looking in.
Inside the compound.
The Dead Line. Nine feet from the outside wall was the Dead Line. To cross it ment a belly full of lead.
The Gallows. This was constructed by the prisoners to mete out justice to the "Raiders" – fellow prisoners who preyed upon the newly incarerated and the weak.