Manufacturers and Brands at Michtoy

1:72nd & 1:32nd scale plastic figure sets imported from...

Unique oils paints and auxiliary products for modeling,...

Classic model kits in a variety of popular scales

1:72nd & 1:48th scale plastic model kits

AFV and AIR Modeller are the visual bi-monthly magazine...

Classic model kits in a variety of popular scales

Model Cars, Model Aircraft, Ship Models, Military Vehicles,...

Model Weathering, Painting & Detailing , Building Supplies,...

Paints offering realistic and durable metal finishes

Quality decals & transfers in 1/76-1/72 scales

A wide selection of historically accurate models, figure...

Innovative sspecialty products to meet any sanding and...

Model Weathering, Painting and Detailing , Building...

Model Cars, Model Aircraft, Detailing parts kits

Andrea Miniatures is one of the the worlds premier producer...

Archon Studio is a fast-growing company located in Poland...

The finest resin cast accessories in 1/72nd, 1/35th, 90mm,...

Easy build 1:72nd scale plastic model AFV kits

Leading range of paints, primers, scenics and tools for...

Historical figure kits & busts in a variety of scales

Scratch building products including lead wire and brass...

Old school Aurora and Monogram style model kits

Affordable brushes synthetic and sable brushes for all...

Avante Art offers painting and modeling supplies and a...

Aves makes Apoxie Sculpt the go to putty with a 1001 uses...

Airbrushes, Stynylrez Primers and accessories for painting

Bare-Metal Foil is perfect for duplicating chrome on model...

Fine historical figure kits in a variety of scales....

Black Heart Models is a collaboration of artists and...

1:32nd scale plastic figure sets & accessories

The best cleaning and conditioning products for brushes on...

Simply the best c cyanoacrylate (CA) glues available.

Unique, high quality modeling tools & Plastic scale model...

1:72nd scale plastic figure sets & accessories

1:30th scale, High Quality Polyurethane kits based on...

1:32 scale plastic figures

High quality sable and wolf hair brush sets Each brush is...

28mm Medieval plastic figure sets

CSM produces unique World War One vehicles, aeroplane and ...

American Civil War Ironclads, Submarines, Siege Artillery...

Manufacture of Flint and Feather tabletop game and the...

1:32nd scale plastic figure sets, vehicles & accessories

The Da Vinci brush company of Nuremberg, Germany offer the...

Plastic scale model kits created in Germany.

Unique modeling adhesives, putties & scenic products

Series of books that feature a variety of Israeli Defense...

With Dirty Down simulate the patina of rust, copper or...

Armor, aircraft, naval and figure model kits in a variety...

DSPIAE®, where D stands for Dream, S for Strive, P for...

1:72nd & 1:32nd scale plastic figure sets and models

Very limited production 1/32nd scale plastic figures.

The worlds largest producer of styrene plastic shapes -...

High quality tools, knives, blades and accessories for...

Multi-pose plastic figures in 54mm & 60mm. Imported from...

New concept in modelling magazines: Fantasy Figure...

Injection molded plastic kits and figures imported from...

28mm Medieval plastic & metal figure sets, gaming rules

1:72nd scale plastic figure sets & model kits of WWII....

Flames of War is a World War II and Cold War tabletop...

Unique blades for trimming the flash off all sorts of...

Sanding, Filing, Gluing and Contruction Products

Die-cast vehiles, aircraft & ships.

1:72nd scale metal figure specializing in Napoleonic Wars

Fred-Rex produces the famous Green-Line of scenic tuffs,...

Frostgrave is a game of Wizards, battling through a ruined...

A gaming company featuring the World Of Tanks and Clash of...

At Game Envy Creations we seek to create unique hobby...

Gamer's Grass presents a wide variety of grass tufts,...

Best selling acrylic adhesive for photo-etch.

1:72nd scale resin figure sets & accessories

A micro glue applicator made for applying a very small...

Considered to be the Cadillac of model building tools....

28mm plastic & metal figure sets, gaming rules

High Quality Tools

Classic model kits in a variety of popular scales.

1:72nd & 1:32nd scale plastic figure sets

1:72nd scale metal figures & accessories

Precision tools, tapes, masks, decal and painting...

Armor, aircraft, naval and figure model kits in a variety...

World famous Solvaset Decal Setting Solution & Goop Cement

These are among the finest pre-finished scenics on the...

AFV model kits in a variety of popular scales.

Armor, aircraft, naval and figure model kits in a variety...

1:72nd & 1:32nd scale plastic figure sets that are a school...

Scale modelling how-to books.

Plastic models & figure sets in 1:72nd and 1:35th scale

High-quality scenery and landscaping material: fine-scale...

A wide range of popular & unique scenery & diorama...

Kalmbach offers a wide variety of hobby publications for...

Sci-fi and Fantasy Figure Kits plus the best...

Kneadatite Blue/Yellow ("Green Stuff") is a two-part epoxy...

For over a decade, Knuckleduster has created imaginative...

Liang Model focuses on the research and development of...

Water soluble acrylic colors for modelling and hobby....

Linear-A (formally known as Linear-B produces 1/72 scale...

60mm plastic figures and scenics featuring ancients.

These supercharged rare-earth miniature magnets are made...

1:72 & 1:32 scale plastic figure sets. Imported from the...

Atomic Mass Games/Marvel: Crisis Protocol is a tabletop...

Model Kits = AFV , Scale Figures, Buildings, Accessories

Wide range of fine plastic models with a focus on uncommon...

Our handy MichToy Gift Card comes in a number of...

3d printed in house these are resin kits from the designs...

The name speaks for itself... Michtoy No Brand Name is a...

World famous Micro Sol & Micro Set for decals

MIG Productions provides modelers with both mediums and...

Milliput is a two-part, cold setting, non shrinking epoxy...

AFV, Scale Figures, Scenics, Buildings, Accessories model...

The Mission Models acrylic line of paint is non-solvent...

All new Sci-fi and horror model kits plus an ever expanding...

Pro Acryl paint, brushes, and accessories at the best value...

A MTSC exclusive! 60mm painted pewter figures from the UK.

World famous Mr. Hobby tools & Mr. Surfacer primers

1:72nd scale resin figures & accessories

1:72nd scale resin figures & accessories

World standard for scenic & diorama products for...

28mm plastic & metal figure sets, gaming rules

Historical & fantasy figure kits & busts in resin

1:32 scale painted pewter miniatures of ACW & WWI

Oniria Miniatures’ main goal is to rise the quality and...

1:72nd scale plastic figure sets & accessories

How-to books where each issue focuses on a particular...

Military AFV reference includes many b&w wartime photos and...

Just about anyone who builds armor model, more specifically...

1:32nd scale plastic figure sets & scenics

Tools for working with photo-etch and scratch building...

28mm plastic & metal figure sets & scenics.

A partnership of four people whose combined experience...

Publisher of Abrams Squad and Dioramag magazines as well as...

Plastic Invasion produces modeling books, resin figure kits...

15mm, 28mm & 1/72 scale plastic miniatures for modeling,...

Styrene plastic shapes, strips, and sheet materials for...

An ever expanding range of classic sci-fi and horror model...

Dark Alliance is the fantasy range of 1:72nd Scale plastic...

1:72nd scale plastic figure sets & accessories. Imported...

The best wet palette, tools and brushes for miniature...

Detailing and Conversion Parts for Meng Toon Tanks.

A new style of scale modeling how-to books by renowned...

Operating at 5,000 shakes per minute your paint will never...

Roden Scale Models is a world wide leader in producing of...

Historical figure kits & busts in a variety of scales

Handmade Kolinsky Sable Artists Brushes for miniature...

Royal specializes in photo-etch and resin details for...

Top notch scatch building tools “for the modeler designed...

Highly detailed 28mm hard plastic kits for the gaming and...

S-Model produces quick build 1:72 models. Offering high...

Zach makes some the finest tuffs we've ever seen (and we...

54mm American Civil War figures kits. Best in the World!

Shimomura Alec produces unique, precision tools for scale...

A clean brush is a happy brush!

Strelets is the prolific company for 1:72nd scale plastic...

Rule sets for skirmishing in 18th century America

Suyata produces kits with subjects from Toon WWI...

T-Model from Hong Kong specialize in highly detailed...

Takom Model Plastic Company. The new age of the plastic...

When it comes right down to it, Tamiyas main goal is to...

Publications about military vehicles of Soviet Union &...

With Dull Cote & Model Master Precision Cement modeling...

Precision static plastic model kits specializing in modern...

The ToonKrieg are 3d printed in house by Michigan Toy...

The magazine of choice for serious toy soldier collectors...

Trenchworx designs and manufactures high quality scale...

Trumpeter Models is one of the premier modeling brands in...

TSSD aka Toy Soldiers of San Diego offers injection molded...

Turbo Dork paints are acrylic paints that are made with a...

Founded by Duncan Rhodes, famous Games Workshop and...

30mm Zinnfiguren "Flats"

1:72nd scale plastic figures featuring modern armies

1:72nd & 1:48th scale plastic model kits

V&V Miniatures produces figures for historical gaming in...

1/72nd scale metal medieval figures and vignettes.

1/72nd scale plastic figure sets

Acrylicos Vallejo or simply Vallejo is the industry leader...

VMS has taken the modeling world by storm with Flexy-Ca's,...

William Britain, W. Britain or simply Britain's, no matter...

28mm Hard Plastic multi-pose figure sets. Made in the USA!

Warlord Games is run by wargamers who are desperately...

Russian company Warriors & Battles designs, develops and...

1/72nd and 1/32nd scale plastic figures

World Leader in realistic model scenery for model railroads...

World's leading manufacturer of ergonomic hand tools...

1/10th scale historical resin busts

Zoukei-Mura aka Volks produces unique, precision tools...

The Zvezda brand of model kits and 1/72nd scale figure sets...