- A Call To Arms Plastic Figures
- Abteilung 502
- Academy Models
- Ace Models
- AFV and AIR Modeller Magazine
- AFV Club Models
- Airfix
- AK Interactive
- Alclad Lacquers
- Aleran Miniatures
- Alexandros Models
- Alpha Precision Hobby Abrasives - Hobby Stix
- Alternity Miniatures
- AMMO by Mig
- AMT Model Kits
- Anarchy Models
- Andrea Miniatures
- Archon Studio
- Armand Bayardi
- Armourfast
- Army Painter
- Art Girona- Figure kits
- Art Scale -Ask
- Atlantis Models
- Atlas Brush Co.
- Avante Art
- Aves Apoxie Sculp etc.
- Badger
- Bare Metal Foil
- Benito Miniatures
- Big Child Creatives
- Black Heart Models
- Blood & Crowns by Firelock Games
- Blood & Plunder by Firelock Games
- Blood & Steel by Firelock Games
- Blood & Valor by Firelock Games
- BMC Toys
- B&J The Masters Brush Cleaner
- Bob Smith Industries- Glues & Adhesives
- Bondic
- Border Model
- Caesar Miniatures
- Campaign Miniatures by W Britain
- Chintoys
- Chronicle Cards Brushes
- Classy Hobby
- Colour Forge
- Conquest Games
- Copper State Models
- Cottage Industry Models
- Crucible Crush
- CTS Plastic Figures
- Da Vinci Brush Company
- Das Werk
- Dave Taylor Miniatures
- Death Ray Designs
- Deep Cut Studio
- Deluxe Materials
- Desert Eagle Publishing
- Devcon Epoxy & Glue
- Diorama Plus- 1/35th Scale Scenics
- Dirty Down Effects
- Dragon Models
- Dspiae Model Tools
- Emhar
- Engineer Basevich
- Enkay Tools
- Evergreen Scale Modeling Plastics
- Excel Hobby Tools
- Expeditionary Force Toy Soldiers
- EZ Line
- Faller- Scenic & Diorama Products
- Fantasy Figure International
- Fantasy Flight Games
- FC ModelTips
- Fighting Hedgehog
- Figurinitaly
- Fine Molds
- Fire and Fury Wargame Rules
- FireForge Games
- Firelock Games
- First to Fight
- Flames of War - Battlefront Miniatures
- Flash Master Blades
- Flex-I-File- Sanding, Filing, Gluing Products
- Forces of Valor
- Franznap Miniatures
- Fredericus Rex
- Freedom Model Kits
- Frostgrave - Stargrave
- Fujimi Model Kits
- FunTec
- Galapagos Miniatures
- Gale Force Nine
- Game Envy
- Gamers Grass
- Games Workshop
- Gator's Grip Hobby Glue
- GeBo Figuren
- Gecko Models
- Germania Figuren
- Glue Looper - Creative Dynamic
- GMU Model
- GodHand
- Gorilla Glue
- Gray Matter Gaming
- Great Escape Games
- Great Wall Hobby
- Green Stuff World International
- Grey For Now Games
- Gripping Beast- Saga
- Guideline Publications
- Gunprimer
- Hasegawa Hobby Kits
- Hat Industrie
- Hecker & Goros Zinnfiguren
- Helion and Company
- Hobby Boss Models
- Hobsco-Walthers- Modeling Supplies
- Hornet Models
- Hudson & Allen Studios - Scenic Elements
- Huge Miniatures
- Humbrol- Primers, Paints and Thinners
- Hydra Miniatures- 28mm Figures
- I Love Kit
- IBG Models
- ICM Models
- Imex Plastic Figures
- Infini Model
- Inside the Armour
- Ionic by Ammo
- Italeri
- Iwata Airbrush and Accessories
- Joefix Studios- Scenic & Diorama
- Jolly Lark
- Jon Smith Modellbau- Figure Kits
- JTT Scenery Products
- K&S Engineering- Scratch Building Products
- Kalmbach Publishing - Fine Scale Modeler
- Kimera Models
- Kneadatite Epoxy Modeling Putty
- Knuckleduster Miniatures
- Kotare
- Kotobukiya
- Krylon Primers & Finishing Sprays
- Liang Model
- Life Miniatures
- Lifecolor Acrylic Paint
- Linear A
- Liquitex- Painting Products
- Little Wars TV
- LOD Enterprises
- Magcraft Rare Earth Magnets
- Magic Factory
- Mars Figures
- Marvel Crisis Protocol
- Marx Reissues
- Mascot Precision Tools
- Master Box Ltd.
- Matho Models
- Meng Models
- Metal Modeles- Historical Figure Kits
- Michigan Toy Soldier Gift Cards
- Michigan Toy Soldier Swag
- MichToy 3D - PlaKit Wacky Races
- MichToy No Brand Name Products
- Microbrush International- Modeling Supplies
- Micromark
- Microscale Industries
- MIG Productions
- Milliput Modeling Putty
- MiniArt Models
- Miniature Wargames Magazine
- Miscellaneous Publications
- Miscellaneous Wargaming Books
- Mission Models - Premium Hobby Paints
- MJ Miniatures
- Moebius- Model Kits
- Molotow Markers
- Monument Hobbies
- Morgan Miniatures
- MPC Model Plastics Company
- MPC Plastic Figures
- Mr. Black Publications
- Mr. Hobby Gunze Sangyo GSI Creos
- Munich Kits
- Nikolai Figures
- No Name Airbrushes
- NOCH Scenics
- North Star Military Figures
- Nutsplanet
- Old Northwest Trading Company
- Olfa
- Oniria Miniatures
- Orion-Haron Figures
- Osprey Publishing
- Paasche Airbrushes
- Pacer Zap-A-Gap Glues
- Painting War
- Panzer Tracts Books
- PanzerWrecks Books
- Para Bellum Wargames
- Paragon Toy Soldiers
- Paragrafix Modeling System
- Pegaso Models
- Pegasus Hobbies- Models, Scenics & Figures
- Perry Miniatures
- Phoenix Scale Publications
- Plastic Invasion
- Plastic Soldier Company Ltd
- Plastruct Scratch Building Supplies
- Playset Magazine
- Plus Models
- Polar Lights Model Kits
- Pro Art Painting Accessories
- Quake Hold - Museum Putty
- Quinta Studios
- Reality in Scale
- Red Box Dark Alliance Figures
- Red Box Figures
- Redgrassgames
- Renedra
- Retrokit for Toon Tanks
- Revell
- Revell-Monogram
- Riich Models
- Rinaldi Studio Press
- Robart Paint Shakers
- Roden Scale Models
- Romeo Models
- Rosemary and Company
- Royal Model
- RP Toolz
- RPG Model
- Rubicon Models
- Rye Field Model
- S-Model Company
- Sash & Saber Miniatures
- Scale Motor Sports
- Scale75
- Scenic Express
- Schiffer Books & Publications
- Scouts Out
- Shadows Edge Miniatures
- Shenandoah Miniatures
- Shimomura Alec
- Silicoil - The Lion Company
- Squadron Modeling Tools & Green Stuff
- Stenfalk of Germany
- Strelets R Plastic Figures
- Studio Tomahawk - Muskets and Tomahawk
- Swann Morton
- T-Model
- Takom International
- Tamiya
- Tankograd Publishing
- Testors
- Thunder Model
- Tiger-Model Ltd.
- TimMee Toys
- Too Fat Lardies
- ToonKrieg by 18Charlie - Michtoy
- Toy Soldier Collector and Historical Figures Magazine
- Trenchworx
- Trumpeter Models
- TSSD Plastic Figures
- Turbo Dork
- Two Thin Coats
- Two Trees Zinnfiguren
- Ultima Ratio
- UM Models
- UMM Modeling
- UStar Hobby
- V & V Miniatures
- Valdemar Miniatures
- Valiant Miniatures (UK)
- Vallejo Paints & Accessories
- Valom
- Vespid Models
- Victrix Ltd.
- VMS Vantage Modelling Solutions
- W Britain Collection
- War Stories by Firelock Games
- Wargames Atlantic
- Wargames Illustrated Magazine
- Wargames Soldiers and Strategy Magazine
- Warlord Games
- Warriors and Battles
- Waterloo 1815
- Wave Coroporation
- Woodland Scenics
- X-Acto- Knives & Modeling Tools
- X-Plus Models
- Xuron Corporation Modeling Tools
- Young Miniatures- Historical Figure Kits
- Zoukei-Mura
- Zvezda