Features: - Brand new Firefly Ic in great detail - Stowage box and gun travel lock tooled on engine deck - Gun travel lock can be modeled in travel or combat modes -Turret roof w/bomb-thrower port is newly produced - New gun shield and rotor shield molded in great detail - Radio box and stowage box at turret rear are realistically produced - Anti-aircraft MG w/pedestal mount on turret roof as bonus - Slide-molded anti-aircraft MG w/hollow end - Composite hull w/cast texture accurately produced - Driver's and radio operator's hatches tooled w/clear periscope can be assembled open or closed - Two types of air filter on the rear hull newly made by slide mold - Newly tooled tow-bar w/hook realistically presented - Two types of armored plate welded over MG port as option - Loader's hatch cover newly reproduced w/interior detail - Spare-track racks w/spare track links on transmission cover are newly designed - Hull side plates reproduced w/correct horizontal upper edge - Realistic weld seams on composite hull accurately presented - Layout of on-vehicle tools accurately reproduced - One-piece transmission cover w/cast texture - Transmission cover w/accurate bolts detail - Siren molded in detail - Fuel caps w/interior detail can be assembled open or closed - Finely rendered horn guards for headlight and horn - Sprocket molded in detail - On-vehilcle tools delicately reproduced - DS T48 tracks w/great details |
Type = Models
Period = World War 2
Scale = 1/35 Scale
Material = Plastic
Date of Release = 2010-02-14
Status = 1 Week Shipping
This item is not part of our regular inventory. Allow about a week for item to arrive at MichToy. |
Your price $84.50