'Bumble Bee' might seem an unusual nickname for a self-propelled howitzer, but that is what the Germans initially called their 15cm sFH 18 L/30 howitzer mounted on a Panzer IV chassis. The Sd.Kfz.165 Hummel, of which 714 were produced from late 1942 onwards, was created because of an urgent need for artillery that could keep pace with Germany's panzers during WWII. Interestingly, the prototype of the Hummel was originally fitted with a 10.5cm leFH18 gun, the weapon that eventually found its way onto the Wespe that was based on the Panzer II chassis. Dragon's newest 1/35 scale kit shows this "Hummel-Wespe" le Pz. Haub auf Hummel Fahrgestell armed with the 10.5cm howitzer. |
Type = Models
Period = World War 2
Scale = 1/35 Scale
Material = Plastic
Finish = Unfinished Model Kit
Date of Release = 2014-11-04
Status = 1 Week Shipping
This item is not part of our regular inventory. Allow about a week for item to arrive at MichToy. |
Your price $76.99