French Cavalry 1812-1815 - Line Lancers with Officer
Manufacture Product Number : EXP-54-FRN-05-A Each box-set contains 5 mounted models with either 1 officer or 1 trumpeter, and 4 troopers plus 5 horse models, with action postures for attacking or advancing. The 5 horses supplied are newly-tooled models (re-sized and modified from our 60 mm Macedonian range) and are slightly larger than the Zulu War British horses to provide contrast between heavy cavalry and light cavalry mounts. For clarity, these are referred to as Chevauleger Lanciers in the information books. Not the Polish Lancers. |
Type = Toy Soldiers and Miniatures
Period = Napoleonic Wars
Scale = 1/32 Scale (54mm or 2 1/4 inches)
Material = Plastic
Finish = Unpainted
Date of Release = 2017-11-27
Status = Out of Stock
Darn it! This item is currently out of stock. You may order this item now and we will notify you when it's available again. |
Your price $40.99