Bloody Big Battles: Wargame Scenarios for the Late Nineteenth Century
Manufacture Product Number : NMF-1-206630 This ruleset does exactly what its title says. It is intended for fighting the biggest, bloodiest battles of 1850-1900 in a manageable way. The specific design goals included: - to tackle the major battles such as Solferino, Gettysburg, Königgrätz, Sedan or Plevna, often spanning several days’ combat; - to fit them on a 6’x4’ tabletop; - and to fight them in their entirety, in a single 3-to-4-hour session, with typically 4 players. BBB is not suitable for small actions of a few thousand men a side. There are plenty of rulesets that do that. But none do what BBB does, namely; - Enabling players to command entire armies of 100,000+ men a side - Fitting battlefields of up to 20km across on the table - While still producing a fast, fun game and a result in an evening Scale: Varies according to the battle but is typically: - Figure scale 1,500 men or 36 cannon per 1” base (organized into multi-base units usually of 3-7 infantry, 2-3 cavalry or 1 artillery base) - Ground scale 1” per 200-250 yards - Timescale 1 hour per turn Turn sequence: IGO-UGO Command and Control: highly scenario-dependent. An army’s command quality is reflected partly by how many generals get represented on table, partly by how units are rated. Movement: Units roll 2D6 to move. Simple memorizable movement table incorporates elements such as difficult terrain, generalship and doctrine, troop quality and morale. Fire Combat: calculated by adding fire points of all bases firing at a target unit. 2D6 fire table to determine casualties, recorded by base removal. Assault: opposed D6 roll incorporating a few relevant factors. |
Type = Wargaming
Books, Magazines, Catalogs and Videos
Category = Wargaming Rules and Systems
Period = 19th Century
Material = Softcover Book
Date of Release = 2024-09-01n
Status = Available
This item is Normally Stocked but may take up to two weeks for delivery if not in stock. We will notify you of any delays |
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