From the publishers of the three volume set Landscapes of War and Panzer Aces magazine comes a new four volume set DIORAMA PROJECT. This encyclopedic work is separated in four parts; part one is dedicated to AFV’s, a volume 2 will be dedicated to figures and two more volumes will be dedicated to bases and backdrops/backgrounds respectively. The first part –AFV at War- is dedicated to everything necessary for assembling and painting the most relevant WWII AFV’s in a concrete historical and weather condition context, in an specific theatre. The different tools and assembly procedures are presented in varying levels of difficulty ranging from a model kit assembled straight from the box to different items of customization and detailing and different accessories, improvements and use of P.E. pieces. The painting processes are equally organized minding the different difficulty levels, variations and techniques aimed at obtaining equivalent results. All techniques are however always subordinated to how the model kit fits into the diorama, stressing the reasons why a given painting technique is better suited for the scene we want to depict. |
Type = Books, Magazines, Catalogs and Videos
Category = Books-Modeling-Diorama-Terrain-How To
Material = Softcover Book
Date of Release = 2019-03-13
Status = Available
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