MIG Productions

MIG Productions offers a line of pre mixed washes for use with weathering models. The pre-mixed enamel based wash is available in a plastic 75ml which saves time having to custom mix the right consistency and color. Currently they are available in Brown Wash, Neutral Wash and Dark Wash. The color you use depends on the base color of the model or specific effects you want to achieve. Neutrall Wash works better on light tans and light greens and worn white wash as a Dark Wash would have too much contrast against the lighter base color. Brown wash would be useful on a yellow ocre base or even a Panzer Gray and the Dark Wash is good for brown or dark green paint or to represent a heavy buildup of oil and grime.
A wash is different from a filter in the ratio of paint versus thinner and the application technique. While a filter alters the base color, a wash is used to accent panel lines or small details like hinges and rivets or to represent accumulated oil and grime. Filters are applied with a larger brush on larger areas but washes are generally applied with a smaller brush to panel lines and recess. Capillary action draws the wash along the recess so you don’t have to trace the feature. It is very helpful to apply a wash to a gloss finish as gloss seals the microscopic pits in the paint and contains the wash to the recesses. Any wash that makes it onto a raised surface can easily be wiped off since it rests on the gloss. With a Matt finish, a wash would feather out from the recess and stain the paint.
Some tips from experience
1. The MIG washes have a higher surface tension than traditional washes mixed with oils. They also have a very high pigment content so are a little stronger than ones I normally mix, so I mix a little Turpenoid Odorless Paint Thinner with the MIG Wash at the time of use for easier application.
2. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area, the thinner used is pretty strong.
3. The thinner is more aggressive than some odorless paint thinners like Turpenoid. Certain brands of plastic kits, Bandai for one, will become brittle if the wash attacks bare plastic.
4. The pigment which has settled in the bottle can be scooped out for more intense applications of pigment for specific effects.